5 Simple Ways to Uplevel Your Health!

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Are you tired all of the time?

Have you been overeating or undereating?

Do you feel sluggish and tired?

Do you have extra weight hanging on?

This podcast is where self care begins… unleveling your health with 5 simple steps!

Listen to the full podcast episode here…. (transcript below)


Episode Transcript:

Here is list of five things that will uplevel your health.

It's just time, right? If you are feeling low energy, if you are feeling sluggish, if you have extra weight, if you are just sick and tired of being sick and tired, it's time to just add these five things into your day. Quick and simple…. ready?!

Number one is drink more water.

Your body is made up of 60% water! You need it!! So if you are still drinking soda or if you're still drinking juices (Cold pressed juices have different benefits) or if you are drinking coffee all day long, you have to even drink more water!! Think of drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you're drinking 75 ounces of water.

Now, when I did the 75 hard program, I was drinking a gallon of day. And besides going to the bathroom all the time, it wasn't as bad as you think. So maybe even try to add another cup when you get to your half of your body weight in ounces. If you want it to taste a little better, add berries to your water. You can also add some lemon or lime wedges. I drink essential oils in my water because the oils that I use are of the highest quality and have the nutrition facts on the side of the bottle.


Try lemon, wild orange, grapefruit, green Mandarin, tangerine doTERRA essential oils.

(You just want to make sure that you're always drinking in glass or stainless steel because essential oils will start to break down petrochemicals of plastics. )

#2 is fuel your body.

Fuel your body with movement

To get those endorphins going pick an exercise that you like and just do it!! Okay. So fueling is with exercise, but it's also with food. So move your body in a way that you enjoy and then fuel it with nutrition. So I'm not going to talk about a diet. I would really recommend planning your meals and planning your workouts because then they'll happen. If it's not planned, it won't happen. Eat real food and eat intuitively. If your stomach is growling…..eat! Julie Cole, an intuitive eating dietitian was on the podcast- see blog and podcast episode! So much of our diet culture is about weight loss. It is so old news.

So just think of fueling! Think of your blood sugar staying level. So if you're feeling hungry you need protein and healthy fats! You need certain complex carbohydrates so that you're not hungry all the time. Be fueling your body and moving your body.

#3 Use essential oils to change the way that you process emotion.

Do you know that when you smell something it changes the way that your brain is processing those feelings and those emotions? So you can change the way you feel based on changing what you smell. And so diffusing essential oils daily is so, so vital today. Today I’m defusing Bergamot mint and citrus bliss. So citrusy and minty, and it smelled amazing. And I have just been on fire. Because it changes those endorphins and those feelings in your mind, it gives you energy.

There's also great oils for respiratory support. So you can take a deep breath. There's great oils for lowering your stress hormone in your body and just helping you to feel happy. So use the power of plants to change the way that you feel. If you're feeling really, really worked up, if you need to calm down there's tools that you can use to do that. So be changing the way that you feel so that you are not a victim to your emotions, into your stress level.

#4 is to rest and sleep.

Now it's not the same thing! Sandra Dalton Smith in the book SACRED REST talks about detangling. So if you're feeling all spun up,

it is important to learn the different types of resting that work for you!

If it's going for a walk, if it is getting out in nature, if it is laying down and praying or meditating or resting your eyes, if it is taking a nap, you have to train your body that you're going to change different. You have to train your body that you are going to give it the time to rest, rather than go, go, go, go, go so that you can actually sleep better. Use essential oils to sleep better. Be diffusing in your room- getting those molecules through your circulatory system so that you're sleeping better.

#5 is to keep your trash bucket with less junk in it.

So when we think of our toxic load, when we think of chemicals, everything that we breathe and eat and everything that we're around in our environment has many different toxins. There's about 80,000 chemicals that are in our products and in the air and just different things that we come in contact with that fill our trash bucket. So we want to keep that toxic load down .

You'll be shocked at how much your body will serve you better when it's not toxic overload.

You want to be getting rid of a lot of the chemicals in your food, in your beauty supplies, in your medicine cabinet in your cleaning supplies.

Even in your hand soap and your hand sanitizer! it's been killing me this last couple of years that we've been just putting Purell everywhere. There are chemicals that are killing the bad bacteria on your hands, as well as the good. So we want to leave that good bacteria. We want to be cleaning our hands with natural soaps.

Clean doesn’t mean chemical!!

And so getting that trash bucket lower of toxicity in your life, using your diffuser again, we talked about the emotional benefits, but we also don't talk about how benefit, how awful it is for your endocrine system and for your respiratory system. When you're putting a lot of chemicals with candles and plug-ins and things like that. So looking at the labels and getting rid of things that have toxins and chemicals in them, replacing them with the good stuff is going to serve your body in a way that you'll never even believe.

And then you can put good things in with supplements. And again, that fueling that we talked about with the food. hope that you're seeing how proactive you can be. None of this costs a lot of money, especially when you're not buying a lot of the junk, you can afford to buy the good things because you're swapping out those dollars. You're not adding to the money spent. And so these things will really, really up-level your health so that you feel better so that you have more energy and that you're able to do the things in your life that you want to do.



Kari Turner Davis with the Find the Beauty Podcast is founder of thewellteam.com and a certified Holistic Life Coach and dōTERRA Essential Oils Educator. A dōTERRA Diamond leader, Kari is passionate about empowering women with the tools they need to reach financial freedom while educating moms to embrace the idea of a natural and non-toxic lifestyle. Kari and her husband, Bobby, live in Naples, Florida with their combined five children. They enjoy boating, spending time together as a family and creating an enjoyable lifestyle that revolves around filling up your tank to serve others in a higher capacity.