5 Simple Steps to Detox Your Life

When you come to THE WELL I pray you find a clean, cold "glass of water" on a hot day. 

You get this through hearing good news of God’s love, self care, natural wellness tips and nurturing the good things in your life to design a life you love!

Sometimes, though, there are things that need to be cut out.  Toxic thoughts, products and habits that are taking over and are affecting your health. 

 Here are 5 simple steps to detox your life!

  1. Vote with your dollars.

You get to decide what products and companies get your money and what you allow your family to consume. Here is a simple strategy: Limit sugar, chemicals and preservatives you buy.  

  • Limit sugar by skipping the sodas and juice and packaged candies and cookies. If you want a special treat, bake!

  • Limit chemicals by making your own cleaning supplies. Here are my favorite recipes. Click here

    If you need essential oils, click here: linktr.ee/oilsareagift.

  • Buy real food that goes bad! SKIP THE PRESERVATIVE FILLED FOOD! Is it real or fake!? Buy fruits, veggies, lean proteins, eggs, all of the food that is REAL!!

2. Phone cleanse… detox your screen time and what is on it!

  • Clean out who you follow on social media. Do they make you compare and despair? Do they talk politics and controversy too much? Hide them from your feed for 30 days and see if things improve.

  • Have a screen basket where all members of the family take a break from devices for a set time

  • Set limits on your phone. You can set your social media apps and games to have a limit in your settings.

  • Set a timer for you to scroll- there are great things on social media- just learn to limit yourself for your mental and emotional health!


3. Clean up your self talk 

  • Learn to coach yourself. Pick up on the toxic thoughts you are telling yourself.

Instead tell your self affirming truths daily.  Click the link to get my list of affirmations that are based on the truths of God’s word!

  • Have a strategy for when you feel anxious or scared or a lack of motivation. Do you need to go for a walk? Do you need to practice deep breathing? Aromatherapy? Run a thought model? (I go into detail in podcast episode on how to coach yourself.

4. Analyze YOUR TRIBE

Who are you the sum of?

Are you being present with those you love?

Are there people who you need to spend less time with?

People you need to spend more time with? 

Hard conversations you need to have? 

Expectations and boundaries that have been crossed?

Your relationships can be LIFE GIVING or they can suck the life out of you! Make a list of the lifters in your life… your tribe.

Also make a list of the people you need to limit time with.

5.  Organize your home

Throw away all of the pantry items and clean fridge

Go through your clothes. Haven’t worn it in a year? Donate it!

Pick a closet each week?

Summer is a great time to detox those thoughts, habits and products that are no longer serving you, or maybe they never did!

Join our WELL Facebook group for more support and encouragement to refill daily with faith, self care, health and wellness!

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Want to talk? Kari’s coaching will help you combat overwhelm and exhaustion to design a life you love through faith, self care, holistic health and habits you love!

www.calendly.com/karidaviscoaching for a connection call to see if coaching with Kari is a good fit for you!

Listen to the episode of The Well podcast here:


For more recipes, coaching, natural wellness education and more visit www.thewellteam.com

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