Healthy Sleep for Your Kids

We all have been given the most annoying advice when we have babies!

“Be sure to get all the sleep you can now because you’re never gonna sleep again once the baby comes!”

Or, are you home with your new 2 week old and someone tells you

“Sleep when the baby sleeps?”

So helpful, right? 

What if a solid night’s sleep wasn’t so unattainable?

What if you didn’t have to look like a zombie for the first year (or more) of your child’s life?

What if you could help your children develop healthy sleep habits from day one?

What if everyone in your home could be getting the sleep that supports development, encourages optimum immune system functions, supports hormones and mental health, etc?

See, Sleep is vitally important for whole body wellness!

On The Well podcast, we spoke with certified sleep consultant Deneris, who has been supporting families with newborns through adolescence in their quest for better quality and increased quantity of sleep. She provides parents with tools, gentle strategies, and healthy sleep habits as well as accountability. While she specializes in pediatrics, you may glean some helpful tips from her knowledge.  

Let’s talk newborns.

Are you that exhausted parent who isn’t getting much sleep? We 100% know how you feel as so many of us have been there. Whether it was our first or our 2nd and 3rd child who gave us trouble, here’s what you need to know:

  • Babies have immature nervous systems

  • Their circadian rhythms aren’t established yet 

  • They aren’t producing melatonin much before 16 weeks old 

  • They will likely need to eat every 2-3 hours 

  • They will sleep A LOT (hello contact naps!) 


Knowing your baby or child’s sleep requirements, sleepy cues, and wake windows as shown in the image above will be helpful. 

Q: What are some common misconceptions about babies and sleep training? 

  1. Sleep training is equal to cry it out. FALSE. Sleep training is an umbrella with many different routes to take. Deneris helps you choose the best approach to meet your needs. 

  2. Keep babies awake so they’re really tired. FALSE. Sleep begets more sleep and an over tired/overstimulated baby will struggle to fall and stay asleep. 

  3. My baby is 5 months old, it’s too late to start creating health sleep habits. FALSE. You can use tools at any age to create solid sleep patterns. 

So what are some goals for getting everyone in the home to get more sleep? 

  • Create solid bedtime routine, even from day one. This could include a bath, a book, a swaddle and sound machine, etc. Have a routine and be consistent. 

  • Use an age appropriate schedule for naps and sleep.

  • Have tools for what to do when child is crying and how to respond (Deneris will help you with these tools!) 

  • Utilize a a wholistic approach to sleep.  

Q: All that sounds like a great way to be prepared, but what about the 4 month sleep regression?

A: It’s actually developmentally appropriate and a good sign. Babies have 2 sleep cycles, active and quiet. Around 16 weeks they develop more adult like sleep cycles with increased periods of light sleep and will need to learn how to fall asleep on their own if they wake. 

So what can you expect from Deneris? She will consult with you and ask a lot of questions. She will provide a plan and accountability to implement the customized plan for your family. She offers tools to know what to expect at any age. She’s there to trouble shoot during all the what if scenarios and see that you and your child are getting a successful night sleep. 

You’re not alone. 

Let Deneris help you find a plan that works for your family. 

Learn more by:

  • visiting Restfully

  • following her on IG @ deneris_sleepcoach for free resources and tips

  • Check out the full conversation on our podcast. 

Listen to the episode of The Well podcast here:


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