You Can Do Hard Things

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Do you know any artists? 

I’ve recently been fascinated watching a friend do time lapse videos of her magnificent paintings. 

As a viewer, I’m struck to see some of the process and the final product. 

However, sometimes the finished product is so blinding you forget about the prep work. 

Artists will gather a canvas, a medium, paint brushes, sponges, water, rags, a paint pallet, etc. Do you see? 

You don’t set out to build a masterpiece without the proper tools. 

If you want to build the healthy body that you want, you will at some point have to add in various tools to assist you in the process.

So here are some important lessons I’ve learned about exercise:

  1. I am not a teenager anymore.

    When I was a teenager in high school I was a competitive athlete. I played volleyball year round. I practiced 5 days a week for 2-3 hours at a time.  I lifted weights 2-3 times per week and ran on the weekends.  In the summers, we had “2-a-days” - summer gyms where we practiced twice a day for 2-3 hours each day.  My sleep deprived mama state is exhausted just recounting my youth. BUT just because I can’t do what I used to, doesn’t mean I can start somewhere. This leads me to my next lesson...

  2. It’s ok if some days you just push play. 

    But maybe try to push a little further the next time.  We can’t keep doing what we’ve been doing and expect different results.  You may know, that’s the definition of insanity.  Each workout you can add some extra reps, maybe add another HIIT round, decrease the rest time, etc. Repeat this to yourself in those moments, “I can do hard things”. 

  3. Embrace the pain of progress. 

    Pain is often a part of the process.  By all means take time to warm up and cool down/stretch to prevent injury, but when it hurts to sit down on the toilet the next day because you killed it with extra squats - thank your body for the energy you had to workout and the additional muscle groups that will pull together to get you off the toilet!  

  4. Stop setting yourself up to fail, instead set yourself up to succeed.

  • Drink water

  • Get some comfortable workout clothes and a good pair of shoes (who doesn’t love an excuse to shop a little!)

  • Warm up and cool down

  • Have recovery snacks or drinks

  • Utilize essential oils for sore muscles or rub breathe on your chest when you’re about to do a big cardio or HIIT workout

  • Make sure if you have one or two workouts a week that aren’t your favorite (for me: burpees), that you add in something fun and life giving (Zumba!). 

    5. Mindset

    You may have to break out of the “It has to be this way mindset”.  I’m not a teenager anymore, so working out alone or in a gym with teammates isn’t going to be my likely option.  So, get flexible.  Workout with your kids. Join a gym or find an online community (HINT: I know of an amazing one called THE EXCLUSIVE WELL COMMUNITY!)  Realize that most people haven’t gotten to where they are without hard work.  Uncomfortable work.  If you want to drop 2 pant sizes - THERE'S NO MAGIC PILL OR PROGRAM - you’ve got to work at it.  But the thing is, I’ve never thought after a workout, well shoot why did I do that. Sure I might be sore, but that's evidence of growth and change. (refer back to point number 3)

    6. Comparison may work for some people but in the end it is always the thief of joy. 

    Looking at the airbrushed picture of the model in size triple zero jeans may motivate you to start, but it won’t bring lasting motivation because you should not be comparing yourself to any other person, except the person you were the day before.  You are beautifully and wonderfully made to be one person, you.  But you do need to take care of the body you’ve been given.  We are given one life, let’s live it well. 

What one or two things can you change to uplevel your workout routine and exercise behaviors? 

Do you need some accountability?



A good workout playlist? 

A mindset reset? 

Pick one or two things a day for a few weeks and get moving. 

Remember, you can do hard things!

Join us in the Exclusive Well Community if you want to do hard things with our online community for support!

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Ashley Fornshell is a woman on a whole-body wellness mission. Mind. Body. Soul. The focus of her journey has been on using her faith in Christ to cultivate a positive self-worth mindset and overcome food addiction. She and her husband do life in Southwest, Ohio with their two kiddos. She spends her days navigating motherhood, ministering to other moms, writing, and encouraging others on their wellness journey.