Lose weight the healthy way

Trying to drop a few pounds before summer?

Weightloss can be frustrating or it can be life giving if you work WITH your body and focus on vitality and strength and your mental health!

In this episode Kari gives 9 tips to lose weight the health way!

1. Don't strive for a quick fix.

You didn’t gain weight over night so why do we expect it to leave overnight? And those diets that promise it to are not your friend!! Don’t look for a quick fix. Look for slow but healthy lifestyle changes that will make the pounds disappear in a fun, healthy way!

2. Listen to your body

If you are starving, eat! If certain foods make you feel sick, don’t touch them! So much of weight loss can be intuitive if we treat our body with the respect it deserves and listen to it!

3. Address root cause

If you thyroid, hormones, insulin levels or stress hormone, cortisol, is out of whack it will be very hard to lose weight. Entertain getting some blood work done first if you have quite a bit of weight to lose. This will help you rule out any other issues that may sabotage your weight loss goals.

4. Focus on health, not the weight loss

Eat real food! Exercise! Stay away from fake foods and chemicals! Then the weight loss will be sustainable you will have more energy and a new amazing lifestyle!

5. Log your food

Many times we don’t realize we are working against our weight loss because we don’t what is hidden in foods. Log what you eat so you can find a meal plan that will work with your goals.

6. Take pictures/measurements

Ditch the scale! Pictures and measurements are a more true story of the hard work you are putting in!

7. Stop self sabbotage

Don’t overeat all weekend, drink too many drinks or still be loading up on coffee cream and sugary drinks. Those empty calories will ruin your progress!

8. Plan for success

Your meal planning and scheduled grocery shopping will make all of the difference!

9.  Have realistic, HEALTHY expectations!

Don’t try to lose more than 2 pounds a week. It isn’t sustainable and your body will elevate the stress hormone and think you are starving it.


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