5 Tips to Balance Your Hormones

Have you struggled to lose weight?

Are you in your 30s or 40s and find yourself feeling not like yourself?

Are you struggling with getting a solid nights sleep?

Has your doctor just prescribed a pill for you or your teen daughters difficult menstrual cycles?

We can relate! And that’s why we had coach Rebecca on to share what she’s learned on her journey.  We hope this blog post will wet your appetite to head over to our podcast to hear what coach Rebecca has to share. 

Rebecca is a personal trainer, Zumba instructor, essential oil expert, wellness coach, and mom among many other things and lives out wellness to every extent of her life. In episode #112 she and Kari discuss 5 Tips to Balancing Your Hormones. 

Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers.

Don’t limit hormones to just estrogen and testosterone. We can forget there’s also insulin, cortisol, melatonin, and progesterone, all of which affect how you feel on a daily basis, especially if they are out of whack. 

Our hormones are regulated by the glands and organs in our endocrine system.  Our endocrine system is vital to so many other parts of the body because it regulates a variety of body processes. As individuals, we are all biochemically different but these tips are generally recognized as healthy practices. 

5 tips to balance hormones:

  1. Reduce environmental toxins.

    Begin slow. Think of environmental toxins and how they’re affecting all the body systems. Seemingly harmless items in your environment may contain hormone disrupters and can include home items (ie: carpet, plastic containers, cleaning products, detergents, etc), self care products (ie: lotions, deodorant, shampoo, etc.), what you eat and the water you drink (link class) 

  2. Move your body and incorporate strength training whenever possible.  

    Find a way to make time for getting your heart working and building muscle. 

  3. Reduce sugars by reading labels and learning the many fake names for sugars.

    Incorporate natural sugars from fruits. You will be amazed how they truly taste once you reduce processed sugar from your body. 

  4. Reduce carbs

    Begin by again reading labels and planning out your meals. 

  5. Improve quality of sleep.

    Set up a sleep routine with healthy habits to support you getting not only quantity of sleep but quality. You can incorporate essential oils in so many ways as you prepare to sleep!

Here’s the goal:

Look at the body as a whole, and try to figure out what is causing the disruption. Get to the root cause without covering up symptoms with temporary band aid fixes. For so long we’ve just taken care of the symptoms instead of regulating and balancing the body. It takes patience and consistency, and we’re here to help. 

Listen to the podcast episode here:

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