Posts tagged women's health
Women's Hormone Basics & Tips for Balance

Hormones, you know, estrogen and testosterone.  We put them in the tiny box we received the information from during our junior high sex education class years ago and left them there.  But did you know there are several other hormones that are significantly impacting how you feel?

On a scale of 1-10 (1= no symptoms, 10 = out of control symptoms), how is your menstrual cycle?  If you’re entering perimenopause or menopause, what are your symptoms? Are there areas of “hormone balance” that are difficult for you? (Hint, it’s very hard to truly balance every hormone on every given day, but we can grow closer to balance!)

Some symptoms of hormone issues: infertility, difficult menstrual cycles, poor memory and brain fog, hyper or hypo thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, difficulty losing or gaining weight, trouble sleeping, and/or mood swings. 

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How to Choose the Best Workout to Actually Help You Lose Weight

Coach Rebecca has 25+ years in the fitness industry and is living the lifestyle. She has a depth of knowledge to speak on this subject after coming alongside countless women to support them on their journey with health and wellness.  She is well versed in many areas, but this blog’s focus is about weight loss specifically with regards to moving your body.   

Weight loss is one of the top issues people are still grappling with, especially post Covid. Maybe it’s due to getting older, maybe it’s due to many women reaching perimenopause. It’s like a multi-factorial issue as Rebecca will discuss.

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