Picky Eaters: Quick Tips for Moms

Why do we eat? To fuel our bodies.

While I’m not a nutritionist, I’ve put some tips together to help your kids care more about their own health and wellness. Remember, when it comes to eating, there has to be a mindset shift. While eating food can be social and fun, it’s primary goal is to fuel out bodies.

So, how do we get our kids to make that mindset shift? We do what we always do, use our mom super power of creativity and knowledge! Let’s talk before we even get to the table.  Say you’re getting gas, you ask them, “Should we put water in our car?” or “Should we put sand in the gas tank?”  Use this analogy to help them understand how we fuel our bodies.

here are some quick tips:

  1. Ask if the food is feeding disease or fighting disease. That may seem like too abstract a concept for little kids, but kids can learn that food either helps us stay healthy or can leave us feeling yucky.

  2. Have them categorize food. Is it real or is it fake? Go to the grocery store and play a game. Pick up an apple and ask, “Did God make this, or was it made in a factory?’ Teach the basics of real vs processed foods. Show them how to locate the label and discover what ingredients are in their food.

  3. When you get home and are starting to prepare lunch, make sure 2/3 items on their plate are made with real ingredients. Get the kids involved with prep by giving them choices of what to put on their plate, how to cut it, where to put it on the plate, and what silverware to use. Their buy in and empowerment is vital.

  4. If a child tries a food and says that they don’t like it, gently teach/remind them that our tastebuds usually have to try something 10-15 times before we know if we like a food. Get excited and introduce them to a food journal to keep try of how many times they’ve tried something. Cook foods in different ways, offer dipping sauce, prepare food in fun shapes, etc.

  5. Make smoothies! You can pack so many nutrients in their smoothies. Add healthy fats like avocados, spinach, coconut oil, peanut butter, bananas, pineapple (it hides so much!). I recommend adding doTERRA’s protein powder and/or greens as well. You can grab them here.

As a mom, I think if we teach them the why and the real vs fake, sometimes its helpful to get them to understand the why, not just “because mom said so”. Let’s try to switch the narrative from “Eat what your tastebuds love” vs “Eat what your body needs”.

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