Meet Elizabeth Ruth- mom, teacher, wellness coach, marketing


Tell us your top 3 favorite essential oils.

OnGuard, Tamer, Adaptiv and all of the citrus oils because I can't just stick to 3!

Describe your favorite wellness routine:

With three under 8 at home and a full plate of schedules, I have to be incredibly intentional when it comes to self-care.  There is a time that I would stress when I set a routine for myself or expectations of what I wanted to accomplish when it came to taking care of myself.  A perfectly laid out "once a week" requirement I would promise myself. But, when my kids had other plans and I didn't accomplish what I committed to, I found myself resentful towards self care as something I could never have because I was too busy being mom or that I was incapable of commitment and was failing myself. 

It was then that I had to get straight with me, myself and I and really fine-tune a self-care system I could be proud of and would never fail on.

Without the restrictions and schedule. Some days, it's a walk by myself, other days it's an epsom + lavender bath before bed. I go with the flow and make sure I follow where my heart is leading for the day.  I check in with how I'm feeling in the morning and set the intention of doing one thing that makes me happy each day. I may not even decide what to do for myself until right before bed. As long as I do something that makes me happy Checking in with my own emotions is truthfully my best source of guidance when it comes to taking care of my needs so that I can show up bigger and better for my family.

What advice would you tell your 10 year younger self?

Trust yourself!  We all have an innately woven guidance system that can be so easily ignored when we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life.  For me, I choose to trust that God will show me the way. He does so through signs in my daily life that I can either choose to ignore or intentionally receive as a love note sent straight to me.  A sign in a song or a butterfly or a bird. Anything that justifies that I serve a mighty God who is readily available to be a listening ear when I need it.

Ten years ago, I felt completely lost in myself. 

What was my purpose?

Who am I to share my story?

And, the worst of them all, I'm just a nobody, why would anyone even listen to me?!

All of these things would bog me down and make me question my ability to be a leader and share my heart with the online space.  Although I am a strong believer in always finding something good on the other side of hardship, it takes a unique practice to consistently lean into the faith and step out of the fear. Something I would've never thought possible ten years ago.

What's your WHY for striving towards health and wellness?

At 55 years old, my dad died of a genetic heart condition.  We had no signs, symptoms or warnings, other than his family history.  Oddly enough, he was the youngest in his family line of men succumbing to heart attacks before the age of 60, even though he had a rock-solid self-care routine and exercised with daily runs.  Shock over his death would be an understatement. With his passing, I made it my personal mission to share that we are never promised tomorrow. Truth be told, having a pristine health and wellness practice might not even save you.  My dad, unfortunately, is proof.

I do believe, however, that taking care of yourself and making healthy, educational choices can encourage you to appreciate the life you have on a much deeper level.

When you treat your body and your mind poorly, you will lead a poor and unintentional life.  When you shift your focus into eating the right nutrients, moving your body on purpose, and taking the right supplements, your body responds and can empower you to live a beautiful and connection-filled life. Again, my dad is proof. We joked that he lived 110 years in his 55-year-old body. We all have a time when life will end and my biggest why behind sharing my heart is to encourage others to live empowered with their family, health and well-being while they have the opportunity to.  Life is too short to live sluggish, tired and anxiety-ridden. 

Who are 2-3 people you look up to in life, and why?

My family is first and foremost on my list of who I look up to.  My husband and my children are my encouragement and can teach me more about my life and my wellness practices faster than any self-help book can. 

"Mom, you already had a cookie today."

"Mom, does God love me?"

"Mom, my belly hurts, I need oils."

All of these topics encourage me to dig deep and find answers I didn't know I had.  They can bring up questions that allow me to really understand how I feel about life and our wellbeing together. My family has the ability to encourage me to stay the course when I feel discouraged and remind me consistently of what and whom I'm fighting for.  As a whole, God is our guidance and my family is my "gut check" when I need it most. I look up to them for being the unique souls they are who allow me to learn through them. They allow me to make mistakes and keep pushing through, as the mom, as their comfort and their leader and as their rock.  I'm honored that I was chosen for them.

For personal development, I have a few leaders I follow and learn the most about myself from, but I tend to lean on dōTERRA leaders the most.  Primarily for their mindset encouragement and essential oil education, I know that I can always turn to one of them when I'm feeling lost or off-track.  They hold the space for me to lean on their knowledge and leadership. Ange Peters and Keeli Martinez are my first go-to's on that list.

  What topics do you like to teach/coach to others?

I love working with young families on creating a healthier home.  One of my daughters deals with anxious feelings, my other daughter deals with emotional checkpoints and my son deals with respiratory issues.  All of these are drops in the bucket with what I've learned through my extensive research on natural-based solutions. I know that I'm teaching them how to turn to oils first and find what resonates with their body by helping them pick and choose a solution to support them in the moment they need it most.  I'm teaching them how to feel empowered by using the gifts God created for a comfort in knowing there are tools to help the body function stronger when you feel lost and alone.

Sharing and teaching that ability and how to pass it on to our children is an area that makes my heart so happy.

I also enjoy the building of this business from the ground up.  The creative spirit and teacher tendencies in me thrive when someone asks me how to build a website or how to create a group on Facebook. I love using Canva and website design to bring stories from the heart to life.  

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