Meet Bobby Davis, holistic financial coach


Looking for a safe place to get business and financial advice while also being protected for your future? Meet Bobby Davis!

(Does his wife look familiar?! haha! It’s Kari, founder of! Bobby has been her financial advisor since 2018 and has helped her protect and grow her business and finances immensely! You know she would not add Bobby to this page if he wasn’t a great advisor and great educator for a full financial plan!!)

We have had the honor or hearing more about Bobby Davis. Read our interview here to learn more for yourself:

What makes you passionate about the work you do?

When I was making the decision to retire from the Fire Department, I had several discussions with my Uncle about what to do. He suggested that I needed to find a career that I could be my own boss, make an income commensurate to how hard I work, and above all something that I was making a significant impact for others. He very astutely pointed out that I wouldn't be happy switching from a career where we were literally putting out lives on the line to save others, unless I could have a significant impact on others. It was at this point he suggested becoming a Financial Advisor and help people plan for and protect their dreams. He also pointed out that I have a story; having lost my father at 12, and witnessed first hand what a good plan could for for a family. Now, after 9 years of having my financial practice, I wake up every day excited to make that forever impact for families and businesses. 

What do you feel sets you apart from others in your industry especially during this time of global crisis?

During this global crisis what sets me and my team apart, are our real life experiences, compassion and holistic process to truly understand what our clients want. From there we create a plan that allows them to have peace of mind and weather any storm. That, coupled with aligning with Northwestern Mutual, only one of 5 AAA rated companies in the entire world, currently with $4 Billion in reserve assets and has issued a dividend every year for over 160 years (including 4.5% the year the Great Depression ended), gives me the confidence to pass on to my clients - this too shall pass. 

We talk a lot about holistic wellness ( mind, body and heart) at  How does your work help people in these areas?

As is evidenced in these difficult times, I truly believe the root of just about every stress a person can have, relates back to finances. If you think about it, even natural wellness and what we put in our bodies connects back to money as it takes financial commitment to treat our bodies well. With that said, when I develop a plan for my clients, I make sure to take into account what they want most of all, and then develop a comprehensive plan that includes the "boring stuff" so that we can plan for the unexpected and invest for the dreams. When our clients implement and deploy our plans they no longer have to worry and stress about the "what ifs."

How can people connect with you if they are in need of your goods or services?

We always love meeting new people even if they don't become clients. One of my favorite aspects of what I do is getting to hear people's stories and dreams. To connect with me, they would just need to either email me or call 239-298-5080 to set up a face-to-face (zoom), initial interview. This is a two way interview in which we learn about each other and decide if we are a good fit for each other going forward. I often hear from people "I can't afford a financial advisor" - I don't charge for my time, so you can't afford NOT to have an advisor! 

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