Home organization will change your life!


Have you been putting off cleaning out the ________ (fill in the blank)?

The pantry.

The closet.

The linen closet. 

The garage.

Your messy unorganized house might be the biggest thing keeping you stuck and feeling like the 'hot mess express'!  

With episode 173, Samantha Brown joined in the conversation.  Samantha Brown is a wife, mom of 2 teenagers and 2 furbabies. She is a Professional Organizer, Decluttering Specialist and Business Coach. She has a podcast called Pro Organizers Coach where she teaches other women how to start their own faith based organizing business. She has taken something in her life that was her biggest struggle and with God leading her, she has now turned that struggle into her biggest success. Samantha loves teaching her clients to create the life they have always dreamed of, whether that is an organized home or starting their own business, Samantha's calling is to show others how, with God, you really can create a life that you love.

Here’s a snippet of the conversation.

Kari: What about the wellness benefits of tidying up your home? Samantha:

  • You will likely have a physical weight lifted

  • Studies show it’s easier to lose weight, make better health decisions, and even sleep better when your home is more organized.

Kari: What has shifted for you with having an organized space? Samantha:

  • Our space reflects what’s going on internally

  • Your space may be making you feel a certain way

If at some point you can disrupt the chaos cycle, you can change the temperature in your home.

There is a fine line between finding the balance of not trying to have a perfect home, but allowing yourself to be aware and taking the time with God to realize this is the home and family you’ve blessed me with, how can I take care of all that I’ve been given.

Kari: What are the biggest roadblocks? (ok, maybe excuses) And how do we overcome?

Samantha: It kind of comes down to how much do you want to make a change? You may need to look at setting some boundaries within your family and your home.

Kari: How do you guide people to find their level of organization?

Samantha: I think you have to be realistic about your time, your money, and the process to get where they think they want to go. I try to bring reality back to normal everyday life, not what we see on popular TV shows or social media ideas and trends. 

These are a few of the questions from the amazing conversation Samantha shared. If you want more tips and where/how to start organizing your chaos, listen to the entire conversation here:

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