7 Tips to Overcome Overwhelm


October is Mental health awareness month!

We are kicking it off with Kim Harter back on the podcast.  Kim is Mental Health Counselor and helps women that are feeling





Are you feeling any of those difficult emotions? Maybe you feel like you’re drowning in them. We want you to know you’re not alone.

It’s a different world from where we were a couple years ago, and Kim has seen a trend of the general overwhelm and chaos.  We’re all trying to get it right.  For teenagers, they’re trying to navigate faith, culture, and their heart among many other things.  For moms, we’re juggling the balance of doing the right thing in the long term and carrying all the empathy as a mom.  For everyone, we’re all having to answer a lot more questions than most moms now did when they were kids.

On the podcast, she explains her top 7 tips for overcoming overwhelm.

  1. Get better at self care!

  2. Learn how to let go because there is no such thing as achieving perfection!

  3. Have grace for yourself and others

  4. Find joy in the small things

  5. Get extra help

  6. Be intentional

  7. Build resilience

If you are struggling beyond where you can help yourself as a mom or watching your teenagers walk through chaos, I can't recommend enough to listen to the podcast for some great encouragement and helpful insight.  Kim unpacks these 7 tips and gives great ideas for how to live those 7 tips out daily.  Then after you listen, schedule a time to talk to Kim.

You can find her here: @KimberlyHarter_therapist or contact her via email at kimberly@restorationcounselingfl.com

Want more than the cliff notes? Listen to the whole podcast here:

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