Be Your Own Health Advocate

If you're not feeling well, you are not feeling well!

You may have been dismissed by one or more doctors but you know yourself better than anyone, trust yourself!

Do you or someone you know struggle to feel well or feel like your normal self?  We’ve heard countless stories of people who have had to see multiple doctors, do their own research, and follow up with more doctors until they finally get answers.   

But it’s not just about the answers.

Yes, there is relief in finding out what is the root cause of your symptoms, but once you know what’s causing you to not feel well, you can go about finding the solutions.

Could it be an auto-immune disorder?  Could it be a hormone imbalance?  Could numbers with your metabolic markers and lab work be off?  Whatever it may be, have you felt off for a long time

We’re here to encourage you - YOU are your best advocate!

A helpful first step to being your own advocate is to hear other stories of people getting answers and solutions after a long, long time of searching, researching, and not giving up.

Recently, on The Well Podcast, Kari and her friend Cavan Guenther walk through Cavan’s health and healing journey.  She shares her successes, her struggles, and her emotional rollercoaster that is her life story.  She shares about managing her “trash bucket” of toxicity and her road to finding a manageable balance with her auto-immune disease.  

Listen in to hear her inspiring story and reach out if you are beginning your detox journey or starting to learn how to be your own advocate.  We’re here to support you.

Take care and be well, 

The Well Team

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